Shabure Runner is a game created by a small studio Bit Pix Studio. Created specifically for Beginner's Jam Summer 2024.

The theme of the jam is Outside the Boundaries. In the game, this theme is implemented as the main character, who is not wanted by two warring countries. The main character turns out to be useless to anyone. He needs to get out of the borders of these two countries to start a new life.

Write down whether the game turned out to be difficult or simple. It is very important to us that our games are fun to play!


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(1 edit)

The achievements and buyable red shirt were nice touches, really clean UI and the story intro and controls screen were all top notch.

One Glitch is that the score goes up when you move forward, even if you are stuck on a rock or moving up a down repeatedly so you can double your mileage.

Game ended up feeling very easy but maybe that's because I cheesed it

I replayed it without cheezing the score and it does get difficult with the tight rocks and enemies so it does get progressively more difficult which is good. :)

Thank you so much for the positive feedback about our game! We realized that the game is really too easy, which can make it a little boring. I don't know if we can fix this, because due to some circumstances, we can't start fixing some bugs in the game right now.